Getting Started with Next.js (App)
Chakra UI provides an additional integration package @chakra-ui/next-js
Next.js that gives you a smoother experience when using both frameworks.
npm i @chakra-ui/react@2 @chakra-ui/next-js @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion
yarn add @chakra-ui/react@2 @chakra-ui/next-js @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion
pnpm add @chakra-ui/react@2 @chakra-ui/next-js @emotion/react @emotion/styled framer-motion
Setup Provider#
Next.js 13 introduced a new app/
directory / folder structure. By default it
uses Server Components. However, Chakra UI only works in client-side
To use Chakra UI in server components, you need to convert them into client-side
component by adding a 'use client';
at the top of your file.
We've also provided a @chakra-ui/next-js
package that gives you a smoother
experience when using Chakra UI in the app directory.
// app/providers.tsx'use client'import { ChakraProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react'export function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {return <ChakraProvider>{children}</ChakraProvider>}
Alternatively, if a hydration error is thrown in Next.js 13 after integrating
in the Layout
, replace the Providers
code with the following
// app/providers.tsx'use client'import { CacheProvider } from '@chakra-ui/next-js'import { ChakraProvider } from '@chakra-ui/react'export function Providers({ children }: { children: React.ReactNode }) {return (<CacheProvider><ChakraProvider>{children}</ChakraProvider></CacheProvider>)}
Setup Layout#
Next, use the Providers
component in your layouts.
// app/layout.tsximport { Providers } from './providers'export default function RootLayout({children,}: {children: React.ReactNode,}) {return (<html lang='en'><body><Providers>{children}</Providers></body></html>)}
Styling Next.js Link#
We recommend using the Link
component provided from the @chakra-ui/next-js
package. It combines the functionality of the Next.js Link and Chakra's styling
// app/page.tsx'use client'import { Link } from '@chakra-ui/next-js'export default function Page() {return (<Link href='/about' color='blue.400' _hover={{ color: 'blue.500' }}>About</Link>)}
Using custom font#
With Next.js 13, you can optimize your fonts (including custom fonts) and remove external network requests for improved privacy and performance.
First, you need define the font you need
// app/fonts.tsimport { Rubik } from 'next/font/google'const rubik = Rubik({subsets: ['latin'],variable: '--font-rubik',})export const fonts = {rubik,}
Next, you need to update your root layout to include the font styles.
// app/layout.tsximport { fonts } from './fonts'import { Providers } from './providers'export default function RootLayout({children,}: {children: React.ReactNode,}) {return (<html lang='en' className={fonts.rubik.variable}><body><Providers>{children}</Providers></body></html>)}
Finally, you can use font variable in your custom theme file across the app.
/* theme.ts */import { extendTheme } from "@chakra-ui/react";export const theme = extendTheme({...fonts: {heading: 'var(--font-rubik)',body: 'var(--font-rubik)',}...});